Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain, May 18 –21, 2020


Dear ONDM Community, all

On behalf of the general chairs, program chairs, publication chair, financial and community chairs, our sponsors and all the people involved in making ONDM2020 a reality, it is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 24th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling, to be held from May 18 to 21, 2020, from Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ONDM 2020 will take place virtually and online, using video conferencing tools. In these difficult times, our thoughts are with the many thousands personally affected by the virus and their families, wishing for a full and prompt recovery, as well as with those who have lost loved ones, to whom we send our most sincere condolences.

As in previous years, ONDM2020 addresses cutting-edge research in established areas of optical networking and their adoption in support of a wide variety of new services and applications. This includes the most recent trends such as 5G and beyond; data-center networking; Internet of things; cloud/edge computing and content delivery; Big data, data analytics, network telemetry and machine learning. ONDM2020 also covers new optical network architectures, based on different optical network disaggregation models, exploiting and integrating novel multidimensional photonic technology solutions as well as adopting open and highly programmable hardware and software platforms such as software defined networking (SDN), and network function virtualization (NFV). ONDM also covers optical networking in support of vertical industries and techno-economic studies.

We are proud to say that ONDM2020 will offer a high-quality technical program, starting with 3 keynote speakers, on topics of FPGAs, the evolution of optical networking and quantum cryptography. The technical sessions include 4 tutorials on the subject of machine learning, quantum networking telemetry and 5G slicing, 14 invited talks covering a wide range of topics of interest to the ONDM2020 community, 27 oral papers, and 11 posters.

The conference will host four workshops that will complement the main conference programme, offering opportunities to discuss and debate about controversial topics of interest of the conference such as disaggregated optical networks, computing, and photonic technologies, the role of 5G within the Industry 4.0 initiative; showing a wider knowledge perspective around the conference topics, providing an interactive learning environment. Workshop topics include "The role of computing in the post 5G-era: Architectures and enabling technologies"; "Disaggregated Optical Networks: hype, huge potential or somewhere in the middle?", "Photonic technologies and programmability for scalable efficient optical networks: actual enablers or next challenges towards supporting future connectivity?" and "5G: new industrial revolution or only higher bandwidth?".

ONDM2020 will be a great conference for sharing the latest insights of academic and industrial research on optical networking. Selected ONDM2020 papers will be considered for publication in the IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN) ONDM2020 Special Issue, to be published in Spring 2021.

We thank you for your participation and support look forward to seeing you (virtually).

Raül Muñoz, Ramon Casellas

ONDM2020 General Chairs

Marija Furdek Prekratic, Salvatore Spadaro, Zuqing Zhu

ONDM2020 Program Chairs


Latest News

- ONDM was hold virtually. Great success and lots of attendees. Awards ceremony includes awarded papers.

Full program available!

- Author Instructions for presentation recording and uploading available!

- Registration fees updated! Register for ONDM 2020 now!

ONDM 2020 and COVID-19

Social Events announced

ONDM Keynote Speakers announced

- ONDM announces Workshops

ONDM announces Invited Speakers and Tutorials


Important Dates

Extended Submission Deadline: January 14, 2020  February 2nd, 2020 19:59 CET (final) 

Acceptance Notification: March 17, 2020

Camera Ready Submission: March 31, 2020


Organized by:

Gold Sponsor:

Best Student Paper Award Sponsor:

Supported by:

Technical Co-Sponsors:


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