Special Event: Women in Photonics and Diversity Dimensions in Research

This special event will be held on Thursday afternoon (14:15 - 15:30), May 21, 2020.


Michela Svaluto Moreolo, CTTC

Marija Furdek, Chalmers University of Technology


This year for the first time ONDM organizes a special event supported by the IEEE Photonics Society in the framework of IEEE Women in Photonics.

This event aims at promoting diversity and inclusion and it is open to anyone interested. It is organized as a workshop with inspiring talks on IEEE related programs, mentorship and leadership practices, as well as human resources strategies focusing on how to introduce the diversity dimensions and women engagement in research.

Attendees are invited to participate and join the discussion to explore the opportunities, share ideas, exchange viewpoints and experiences, stay connected with the community and enjoy the event.


Natalia Cañas Estrada, Associate Vice President of STEM Outreach – IEEE Photonics society / PhD candidate Tyndall National Institute-UCC, “IEEE Photonics society: Optics and Photonics in pre-university education”

Marija Furdek, Assistant Professor, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, “How to Lead towards Diversity?”

Michela Svaluto Moreolo, Director of Quality Programs and Senior Researcher, CTTC, Spain, “Fostering Excellence and Diversity through Human Resources Strategy for Researchers”

Elaine WongProfessor and Associate Dean (Diversity and Inclusion), Melbourne School of Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Australia, “The Impact of Covid-19 Lockdown on the Female Academic”

Jane Simmons, JOCN Editor in Chief, Founder, Monarch Network Architects, USA, “Paper Review from the Perspective of an Editor-in-Chief”


This event is open and free of charge for everybody. Interested attendees not registered to the conference must register here (“workshop only” option).

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